Friday, 27 March 2009


So I'm pretty bored/hung over at work and need time to pass so I thought we could all play the douchebag film game. So you basically think of a film and replace one of the words in the title with either douche or douchebag. It's a pretty stoopid game but surprisingly addictive!

So here it goes:

The Douchefather
Douchebag on the Moon
Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Douche


  1. Once Upon A Time in The Douche.

    What a superb game.

  2. Star Wars:The Phantom Douche
    Star Wars:Attack of the Douches
    Star Wars:Revenge of the Douche
    Star Wars:A New Douche
    Star Wars:The Douche Strikes Back
    Star Wars:Return of the Douche

    Indiana Jones and the Temple of Douche


    Midnight Douche

    Rain Douche

    The Hunchback of Notre-Douche

  3. One Flew Over the Douche's Nest

    2001: A Douchebag Odyssey

    Full Metal Douchebag
